Architecture Direct
Offering Professional Architectural Design Services
Featuring 3D Virtual Reality 'We design with you'
Gary Turpening Architect
Serving Minnesota and Wisconsin phone (612) 327-6725
RETAIL emphasis on the product -hover over image

- This store is well organized and lit, and lets the showcases and jewelry be the main attraction. - Marquis Jewelry, Maplewood Mall - Maplewood MN

- Maggie Moos at Burnsville Center - Burnsville MN - Engineers: Emanuelson Podas - Contractor: C.F. Haglin & Sons.

- This store was on a long corridor, so we attracted customers going in both directions. - Marquis Jewelry, Maplewood Mall - Maplewood MN

- We designed pet stores for malls in Burnsville, Eden Prairie, Duluth, and Maplewood MN. - The Owner asked for a design that kept the dogs and cats cool, lively, and happy. - Wonderful World of Pets, Eden Prairie Mall - Eden Prairie MN

- Based a customer's suggestion, we designed this facility to look like a display case, without architectural embellishment. - Marquis Jewelry, Maplewood Mall - Maplewood MN

- The first rule is to display the merchandise to its best advantage. - The second rule is that architectural style is secondary. - Other concerns include security and access. - Jordan Men's Clothes, Burnsville Center - Burnsville MN

- This space did not have a ceiling, so we used the full height to accent the retail products for sale. - Pier One Imports, Apache Mall - Rochester MN

- This project upgraded an existing store. - Construction was timed in phases so the facility was never completely closed. - Lil Red - Eden Prairie MN - Fendler Patterson, Contractor
- This project was a 'Design Build' project by the architect, completely done in two weeks to be ready for the Bicentennial. - The front was built in a craft shop and installed in one day, with a guard posted to protect the merchandise. - Muma's Jewelry - Mechanicsburg PA