Architecture Direct
Offering Professional Architectural Design Services
Featuring 3D Virtual Reality 'We design with you'
Gary Turpening Architect
Serving Minnesota and Wisconsin phone (612) 327-6725
MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING -hover over image

- This project included this new building with eight units, and the three Historic buildings on the right, which were gutted and rebuilt to modern standards. - There is a thirty two foot drop in elevation from the alley to the street. - Lake Superior View Condominiums - Duluth MN - With Robert Hewitt, Architect

- Designed with 3D Virtual Reality, enabling us to test ideas in real time resulting in these nice porches. - Lake Superior View Condominiums - Duluth MN - With Robert Hewitt, Architect - Electrical Engineers: Gausman & Moore - Structural Engineer: Mark Udd (Northland) - Contractor: Johnson & Wilson
- A typical top floor unit with a beam and deck ceiling. - The view in this case is Lake Superior. - Lake Superior View Condominiums - Duluth MN - With Robert Hewitt, Architect

- Westchester Village - Burnsville MN - Site layout by Gene Jacobson RLS

- Westchester Village - Burnsville MN

- Westchester Village - Burnsville MN

- This design was for 300 college seniors to live on campus with luxury apartments. - The lower level was for Lobbies, Study Rooms, and other social activities. - This basic design was constructed on another site above the flood plain. - University of Wisconsin Eau Claire - With Frank Reese, Architect

- This project was for a quality hotel and resort at an airport with a paved strip and lake access for sea planes. - Each room has beach access and a view of the lake. - Devils Track Lake - Grand Marais MN

- This project was for a quality hotel and resort at an airport with a paved strip and lake access for sea planes. - Each room has beach access and a view of the lake. - Devils Track Lake - Grand Marais MN

- Notice the Entry Courtyard on the right. We advocate that each unit have a separate, distinguished Entry. - The owner asked for eight units, but the Zoning Official suggested ten. - All units were purchased by the tradesmen working on the project - there was never a Realtor's sign posted. - St. Louis Park MN

- The owner of this townhouse kept the first floor as a rented apartment, and we gutted the top two floors and build a modern home. - Located on historic Fourth Street - Harrisburg PA

- Note that we design with furniture in place. Sometimes a large room 'does not work' due to traffic patterns or window locations. - Located on historic Fourth Street - Harrisburg PA